Flat Low Voltage PLANOFLEX NGFLGOEU Cable For Festoon Operation


Flexible low voltage power and control cable, for use on festoon systems and for connecting moveable parts of machine tools, material handling equipment, etc., associated with high mechanical stresses and frequent bending during operation and for bending in one plane only.

PLANOFLEX NGFLGOEU Cable Design Features

Conductor:Eletrolytic copper, not tinned:

-up to 25 mm²: extremely finely stranded, class 6

-above 35 mm²: finely stranded, class 5


Basic material EPR, Rubber compound 3GI3 (refer also to DIN VDE 0207, Part 20)

Core identification:Up to 5 cores, colored: green/yellow (or black for version…-O) black, blue, brown, grey; For more than 5 cores: black with white colored numbers

Individual screen Braid screen made of tinned copper wires, transfer impedance optimized at 30 MHz.

Surface covered: approx. 60% for shielded cores, approx. 80% for twisted and shielded pairs.

Core arrangement:Parallel, for more than 12 cores: parallel bundles

Outer sheath Basic material CR, Rubber compound 5GM3 (refer also to DIN VDE 0207, Part 21) Colour: black

Marking <VDE>PLANOFLEX NGFLGOEU-J/-O (number of cores)x(cross-section) 600V, 90°C, (UL), PLANOFLEX (cross-section) AWG/(number of cores)(type of core) OUTDOOR


PLANOFLEX NGFLGOEU Cable Electrical Parameters

Rated voltage:300/500V (600V)

Max. permissible operating voltage AC:0.7/1.2 kV Max. permissible operating voltage DC:0.9/1.8 kV

AC Test Voltage:2.5 kV (5 Min.)

Current Carrying Capacity description:Acc. to DIN VDE 0298-4


Number of cores x cross section Conductor diameter max. mm Min.Height (for flat cable) mm Max.Height (for flat cable) mm Min.Width (for flat cable) mm Max.Width (for flat cable) mm Bending radius free moving min. mm Weight (ca.) kg/km Permissible tensile force max. N Conductor resis- tance at 20°C max. Current carrying capacity for install. free in air (2) A Short Circuit Current (conduc- tor)
NGFLGOEU-J control cables
3×1,5 1.5 5.7 6.2 11.7 12.5 19 130 68 13.3 24 0.21
4×1,5 1.5 5.7 6.2 15 15.8 19 170 90 13.3 24 0.21
5×1,5 1.5 5.5 6 18.5 20.1 18 210 113 13.3 24 0.21
7×1,5 1.5 5.5 6 25 26.8 18 280 158 13.3 24 0.21
8×1,5 1.5 5.5 6 27.5 29.3 18 310 180 13.3 24 0.21
10×1,5 1.5 6.2 6.7 35.5 37 20 440 225 13.3 24 0.21
12×1,5 1.5 6.3 6.8 42 43.5 20 530 270 13.3 24 0.21
24×1,5 1.5 11.5 12.3 51 53.2 62 1040 540 13.3 24 0.21
42×1,5 1.5 15.1 16.1 70.2 72.3 81 1920 945 13.3 24 0.21
4×2,5 2 6.8 7.3 18.5 19.5 22 260 150 7.98 32 0.36
5×2,5 2 6.6 7.4 22.9 24.6 22 320 188 7.98 32 0.36
7×2,5 2 6.8 7.4 31 32.8 22 440 263 7.98 32 0.36
8×2,5 2 6.8 7.4 34.1 35.9 22 490 300 7.98 32 0.36
10×2,5 2 7.4 8 43 45.3 24 660 375 7.98 32 0.36
12×2,5 2 7.4 8 50.6 53.5 24 780 450 7.98 32 0.36
24×2,5 2 14.8 15.6 65.4 68 78 1690 900 7.98 32 0.36
7x(3×1) 1.3 8.7 10.3 49.3 51.8 41 770 315 19.5 19 0.14
NGFLGOEU-J power cables
4×4 2.8 8.4 8.9 22.5 23.5 36 390 240 4.95 43 0.57
4×6 3.5 9 9.5 25.4 26.9 38 500 360 3.3 56 0.86
4×10 4.5 10.5 11 30.1 32.6 44 750 600 1.91 78 1.43
4×16 5.6 12.1 12.9 36 37.5 65 1060 960 1.21 104 2.29
4×25 6.6 13.6 14.4 41.9 43.4 72 1500 1500 0.78 138 3.58
4×35 8.1 14.8 16.7 47 49.9 84 2040 2100 0.55 170 5.01
4×50 9.5 18 19 56 58 95 2830 3000 0.39 212 7.15
4×70 11.1 20.3 21.3 63.2 65.2 107 3820 4200 0.27 263 10.01
4×95 12.9 23.1 24.1 72.6 74.6 121 4930 5700 0.21 316 13.59
4×120 15 24.2 27.2 79.2 83.2 136 6220 7200 0.16 370 17.16
5×4 2.8 8.5 9 28.9 31.2 36 510 300 4.95 43 0.57
5×6 3.5 9.1 9.6 31.8 34.1 38 640 450 3.3 56 0.86
5×10 4.5 10.5 11.3 39.2 41.6 45 960 750 1.91 78 1.43
5×16 5.6 12.2 12.7 45.1 47.6 64 1360 1200 1.21 104 2.29
7×4 2.8 8.4 9 38.5 40.9 36 690 420 4.95 43 0.57
7×6 3.5 9 9.6 42.9 45.3 38 870 630 3.3 56 0.86
7×10 4.5 10.5 11.3 53 55.9 45 1320 1050 1.91 78 1.43
7×16 5.6 12.6 13.4 60.7 63.9 67 1990 1680 1.21 104 2.29
7×25 6.6 14.8 15.6 72.6 75.9 78 2820 2625 0.78 138 3.58
7×35 8.1 16.4 17.4 83.7 87 87 3820 3675 0.55 170 5.01
(N)GFLGOEU- O control cables with individually screened cores
12×1(C) 1.3 6.6 7.1 48.2 51.3 21 660 180 19.5 19 0.14
4×1,5(C) 1.5 6.8 7.4 18.5 19.5 22 250 90 13.3 24 0.21
8×1,5(C) 1.5 6.8 7.4 35.1 35.1 22 510 180 13.3 24 0.21
12×1,5(C) 1.5 7.4 8 51.7 55 24 780 270 13.3 24 0.21
(N)GFLGOEU-O bus cables
4x(2×1)C 1.3 10.5 11.3 31.8 33.8 45 630 120 19.5 19 0.14
6x(2×2,5)C 2 14.2 15.2 60 62.7 76 1680 450 7.98 32 0.36
7x(2×1)C 1.3 10.5 11.3 53.1 56 45 1090 210 19.5 19 0.14
(N)GFLGOEU-J power cables with individual screen
4×4(C) 2.8 9.2 10.2 26.3 29.3 41 550 240 4.95 43 0.57
4×6(C) 3.5 9.5 11.1 28.8 31.8 44 665 360 3.3 56 0.86
4×10(C) 4.5 11.7 13.3 36 39 67 1060 600 1.91 78 1.43
4×16(C) 5.6 12.8 14.4 40.2 43.2 72 1360 960 1.21 104 2.29
4×25(C) 6.6 14.8 16.8 47.3 50.3 84 1980 1500 0.78 138 3.58
4×35(C) 8.1 16.9 18.9 53.4 57.4 95 2590 2100 0.55 170 5.01
4×50(C) 9.5 19.5 21.5 62 66 108 3590 3000 0.39 212 7.15
4×70(C) 11.1 21.9 23.9 69.8 73.8 120 4630 4200 0.27 263 10.01
4×95(C) 12.9 24.2 27.2 78.7 83.7 136 5950 5700 0.21 316 13.59